Ch Emeraldcity St Petersburg


Sergei is tested free of Liver Shunt and has carrier status for Von Willebrands disease Type 1.

Breed : Cairn Terrier Bred by : Ms G Loft
Sex : Dog Owned by : Ginnette Loft & Jill Saulbrey
Date of Birth : 9-Jun-17 Handled by : Jill Saulbrey
Call Name : Sergei Available for stud : Yes. (to approved bitches)
Sire : Ch Kalan Ginger Tea S: Ch Glenchess Ginger (Imp UK) S: Glenchess Wing Commander (UK)
D: Glenchess Bombshell (UK)
D: UK CH, CH Uniquecottage Glengettie (Imp UK) S: UK CH Uniquecottage Tidy Shoes (UK)
D: Uniquecottage Redsorcha (UK)
Dam : Ch Koterana Whakatangi S: Ch Vanajam's Pop Star (Imp UK) S: CH Vanajam Pop Idol (UK)
D: Vanajam Hokcus Pokcus
D: Ch Koterana Kusmi S: Craigend Wiradjuri
D: UK CH, Ch Uniquecottage Glengettie (Imp UK)


  • 3-Nov-19  R/Up in Show, R/Up Best of Breed, Res Dog CC, Intermediate in Show
    Cairn Terrier Club of Victoria Inc (VIC) (Champ Show)
  • 5-Oct-19  Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best Dog, Intermediate in Show
    Dogs ACT Terrier Group Specialty (PM Show) (ACT) (Open Show)
  • 4-Feb-18  Res Dog CC, Minor of Breed
    Ballarat Dog Club Inc (VIC) (Champ Show)
  • 25-Nov-17  Baby in Group
    Portland & District Kennel Club (AM SHOW) (VIC) (Champ Show)
  • 25-Nov-17  Baby in Group
    Portland & District Kennel Club (PM SHOW) (VIC) (Champ Show)
  • 2-Oct-17  Baby in Show
    Cairns Terrier Club of NSW (NSW) (Champ Show)

Contact Details

Ginnette Loft & Peter Miller
Crestwood (next to ACT), NSW, Australia
Phone : 041 221 7573(m)
Email : [email protected]